jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 RC1 Released

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the first release candidate for 1.3.0. This release is focused on elevating responsive web design (RWD) and brings lots of cool new widgets including panels, dual handle range sliders, and two different responsive table modes. We’ve also been doing a lot of work on re-factoring our AJAX nav system to make is easier to use and more consistent across browsers. Try it now: 1.3.0 RC1 demos

Demos & docs | Changes since Beta | Download & CDN

Changes since 1.3.0 Beta

There are lots of great new features in 1.3.0: panel widget, two responsive table modes: reflow and column toggle, dual handle range slider, responsive grids, new Navigate event and method, a listview reveal feature to make autocomplete with local data easy, and much more.

Check out the 1.3.0 Beta blog post for details of everything new in this release. For those following along, here are the fixes and improvements we’re added since Beta based on your testing and feedback.


Modified event dispatching which was impacting proper dispatching of scrolling events under jQuery 1.9.0. Thanks erikyuzwa!

Fixed toolbar

Fixed incorrect event binding in _on (Issue #5487) – Page padding should be applied before transition starts

Fixed header jumps around when iOS keyboard disappears (Issue #5332)- added iOS6 to iOS workarounds


Set min-height when panel is open (Issues #5456 and #5471). Prevents vertical scrollbar.

Panel should close after, and not during, page animation (Issue #5480) – changed event listener to pagehide. Thanks jhogervorst!

Use extend in the create method also exposed resetActivePageHeight in mobile.navigation so panel can use it.

Chrome Issue: CSS column-count and data-role=”panel” (Issue #5508) – Bit more hardware acceleration of content-wrap required for Chrome.

Only apply active state to button styled links, not standard links

Only set page theme to panel theme for reveal and push mode.

Auto-close panel when clicking on a link in the panel with data-ajax="false".


Incompatibity with jQuery.noConflict() (Issue #5448) – Fixed by wrapping the path helper module in an anonymous func.

Nav incorrectly adding an empty hash in Chrome (Issue #5442)

Disabling hashListeningEnabled in 1.3 beta doesn’t work (Issue #5445)

Add to history without modifying the location.hash when history is turned off

Make it possible to disable history in dialogs (Issue #5465) – Retreat in the urlHistory stack when closing with history disabled.


Popup over selectmenu focus issue (Issue #5519) – Cleaned up focus restriction handling.

Prevent opening a panel while another panel is already open (Issue #5510) – Don’t start opening a panel before other panels are closed.

Set default theme for panel to “c”

Fixed incorrect fixed toolbar width and position if animate is false.


Missing argument in function _dragFirstHandle – exception was thrown in Firefox. Thanks stforek!


Get rid of hasAttribute calls. (Issue #5506) Thanks erikyuzwa.


A data-mini button in a data-role table doesn’t work (Issue #5531) – reset line-height for buttons in table

Text inputs

Text Input had too much padding on the right (Issue #5470) – Only set more padding right if option clear button is true

The textinput(‘enable’) method not working properly (Issue #5447)


Make it easy for people to override the icon color by just adding the ui-icon-alt class to the element or a container.

Added ui-icon-nodisc class to make it easy to have an icon without background.

Removed any remaining blur on text shadows for better performance

Slightly lightened up the drop shadow opacity to remove muddiness

Replaced icon sprite and update and set icon bg position for both SD and HD.

Cleaned up SD icons for clarify and alignment

Slidefade CSS: add two missing semicolons. This enables using the CSS as SCSS without compile errors.

Please help us test!

We’re looking for help with testing this release so we can release a final build as soon as possible. Browse the docs or try out the 1.3.0 RC1 release in your projects, then report issues in the GitHub tracker. Be sure to specify the device, OS version, browser, steps to reproduce and include a simplified test case that uses the latest build (see our contributing guidelines for a test template). If all goes well, we hope to release the final build in 2 weeks.

Try it now: ThemeRoller and Download Builder have 1.3.0 RC1

We will now support pre-release versions to both the ThemeRoller and Download Builder tools to help you test. Please be patient, these may take a while to update for each release.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.0-rc.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.0-rc.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File: If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 Beta

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The jQuery Mobile team is thrilled to announce the beta release of 1.3.0. This release is focused on elevating responsive web design (RWD) and brings lots of cool new widgets including panels, dual handle range sliders, and two different responsive table modes. We’ve also been doing a lot of work on re-factoring our AJAX nav system to make is easier to use and more consistent across browsers. Try it now: 1.3.0 Beta demos

Demos & docs | Key changes | Download & CDN

1.3: A responsive focus

Since the inception of the jQuery Mobile project, we have embraced the idea of designing for all devices and platforms in a “One web” approach. To that end, we built everything on a progressive enhancement foundation and every widget is designed to be 100% width to fit within a flexible or responsive grid.

jQuery Mobile-first

jQuery Mobile is also designed and fully tested to work not just on mobile phones, but tablets and even desktop browsers. Think of it as mobile-first, not mobile only. In fact, in our next release we’re going to be starting the process of integrating closer with the jQuery UI with the goal of having even more shared code and conventions. The UI tabs widget will be the first to be ported into our library and theming system.

We’ve seen the question “What should I use: RWD or jQuery Mobile?” many times on Twitter and our response is an unqualified “both”. Think of jQuery Mobile as a set of touch-friendly UI elements that are designed to fit within your responsive design. Even at 1.0, our demos & docs used media queries for a responsive experience, but we decided that we could do a better job helping people use responsive design techniques in their own projects.

Our focus for the 1.3 release has been to educate the community on responsive web design (RWD) by adding responsive documentation and demos that explain key concepts and also by adding new widgets like responsive tables, panels and grids that make it easy to build responsive sites and apps.

Bundling breakpoints

Media queries are a difficult thing for any framework to include in the codebase because responsive is all about designing for your specific content. For that reason alone, it’s impossible to pick a single “ideal” breakpoint that will work for everyone.

For example, in our responsive table widget we need to select a screen width to switch between the tabular and stacked presentation for reflow mode. That breakpoint width will completely depend on both the visual design (typography, other layout elements) and the content (number of columns, content length). To address this, in the docs for each responsive widget, we spend a lot of time explaining how to write a custom breakpoint that will be tailored to your unique needs.

Breakpoint classes to the rescue

The flipside is that people use a framework because they want things to be easy and it’s hard to explain that a responsive widget won’t work at all until you write a bunch of CSS. So the compromise we took for responsive widgets is to include a single breakpoint “preset” in the structural CSS that we hope will be useful in a fair amount of typical situations. This breakpoint is applied by adding a class like ui-responsive to the widget markup to opt into the breakpoint. This opt-in is important because overriding a breakpoint baked into the CSS is very cumbersome if you want to use a custom breakpoint — you’d need to negate all the CSS rules from our breakpoint before adding your own.

We think this strikes a good balance between convenience and educating folks on how to use media queries. When we finalize 1.3 in a few weeks, we’ll accompany this with an all-new demos site that will have RWD tutorials and lots of cool demos showing off how to write custom styles and breakpoints to deeply customize jQuery Mobile.

New Widget: Panels

One of the most common mobile UI patterns we see right now are Facebook-style panels that open to reveal a menu, form or other content. We spent a lot of time prototyping different ideas and are really happy with our new panel widget. It offers a ton of flexibility. Panels can be positioned on the left or right of the screen and be placed flexibly in the HTML source order.

There are three different ways a panel can animate open. The default reveal display slides the page away to show the panel beneath, the push display animates both the panel and page, and the overlay display places the panel on top of the page. Panels can be closed by swiping, tapping onto the page, or hitting the Esc key on the keyboard.

To take this widget responsive, it’s easy to add media queries to make the panel stay open at wider widths instead of auto-closing when you click on the page content. This makes this panel more like a collapsible column, like the folder list in a mail program. We’ve included a breakpoint preset to add this behavior by adding a class to the page container. Here’s an example of a typical panel setup with a left nav panel and right panel with a form.

For such a simple looking widget, panel were really challenging to get right across all our platforms. We ended up going through four different re-factors leading up to beta in order to get the animations as smooth as possible and are really happy with the result.

Panel API docs >

New: Responsive tables

There are a lot of possible ways to handle tabular data in responsive designs. We’ve decided to tackle two different responsive table modes in 1.3, each with its own strengths and uses.

The reflow table mode swaps to a stacked label/data style presentation at narrow screen widths and best for situations where the content length is fairly long and comparing data across rows in a table is less critical. For example, a product or movie list might be a good choice for reflow mode.

Reflow table API docs >

The column toggle table mode hides columns at narrower page widths according to a priority you set on each column as a sensible default to ensure that the table fits on-screen. A dynamically generated column chooser popup allows the user to select which columns they want to see for full control. This mode is best for situations where comparing data across rows and columns is critical. For example, a complex table of financial data might be a good choice for column toggle mode.

Column toggle API docs >

We’ve built some cool demos showing how you can customize these basic table tools to make a comparison chart or present complex financial data with grouped headers and more.

New: Range slider

Adding support for dual handle sliders for collecting range values has been a popular request and we’re happy to add this new widget in 1.3. The new dual handle range slider starts with a pair of HTML5 range inputs and essentially two sliders with a shared track. All the normal slider options work with ranges: mini sizing, theming, etc.

We’ve also refined the size and styling of the inputs that accompany sliders to make them integrate better visually and leave more room for the slider. The inputs are now mini sized with bold text and no border or spinner arrows (seen in desktop browsers).

All sliders now respect step values smaller than whole numbers which is great for scientific and financial applications that need inputs that capture values to the 0.1 or 0.01 level of accuracy. Slider behavior has been refined so dragging will snap to the closest step position to provide better feedback.

Range slider API docs >

New: Responsive grids

The cornerstone of any responsive design are responsive grids. We believe that the best grid systems are content-specific and not something that can be easily generalized into a framework but for people using our simple grid blocks, there are now detailed instructions on how to create your own media queries to adjust grids at various breakpoints.

We’re also shipping with a present breakpoint that can be applied by adding a class to your grid wrapper. This will apply a CSS breakpoint at narrower screen widths that stack all the grid blocks instead of floating them. This is a simple way to make your grids a bit responsive and fit better on phones.

Grid API docs >
Responsive grids >

Navigate event and method

There are two new additions to the navigation functionality in jQuery Mobile. A navigate event that normalizes the URL alteration events hashchange/popstate, and a $.mobile.navigate method that allows users to receive extended traversal information in navigate bindings (eg, directionality).

The navigate event is a lightweight attempt to unify bindings to a browser’s URL alteration events hashchange and popstate. It also handles differences in the way setting the hash on the location object interacts with the two browser events (ie, stop the world popstate triggering), and provides event hooks to control the event lifecycle.

The $.mobile.navigate method forms the bulk of the new functionality. By using the $.mobile.navigate method to do URL manipulation instead of doing it directly with the location object, replaceState, or pushState you get history management and support for both modes of URL state tracking. The history management provides a state object to navigate event bindings whether the browser supports the new history API or not. It also contains the logic to determine whether navigation is moving forward or back in the browser history.

Both the event and the method are available as modules apart from other navigation functionality in jQuery Mobile, with minor dependencies on other parts of the library. More info can be found on the issue for this refractor.

Navigate API: Event and Method

Page transitions: Support for IE10/WP8

Our CSS keyframe animations were written with vendor prefixes to date, but we’ve now added non-prefixed keyframe rules to bring transition support for IE10/WP8 and all future browsers. This also required updating the 3D support feature tests.

Listview: two new ways to make into an auto-complete

Everyone loves the listview filter feature and we heard quite a few requests to make this work as an autocomplete. Rather than create a new widget, we found two clever ways to make the current listview more powerful.

First, we’ve added the filter reveal feature makes is easy to build a simple autocomplete with local data. When a filterable list has the data-filter-reveal="true", it will auto-hide all the list items when the search field is blank and will display matching items as the user types into the search field. The data-filter-placeholder attribute can be added to specify the placeholder text for the filter. Any listview filter with a lot of items may be slow to perform on a mobile device so we recommend using this feature for a relatively small number of items.

To use the listview filter as an autocomplete that taps into remote data sources, you can use the listviewbeforefilter event to dynamically populate a listview as a user types a search query. This is useful when you have a very large data set like cities, zip codes, or products that can’t be loaded up-front locally. Use the view source button to see the JavaScript that powers this demo.

We’ve added corner and shadow options for inset listviews for consistency with other widgets and made it possible to set theme on list dividers via the data-divider-theme attribute. On mobile devices, when using a listview filter, the submit button on the on-screen keyboard will now blur the input to dismiss the keyboard to improve usability.

Dialog: close button option for control

If the dialog has a header the framework will automatically add a close button at the left side of the header. You can now change the position by adding data-close-btn="right" to the dialog container.

If you don’t want a close button in the header or prefer to add your own custom close button, you can use data-close-btn="none".

Dialogs now have a corners option like other widgets to control whether rounded corners are applied.

Popup: dismissible option

We’ve heard requests to prevent the click-out-to-close behavior of popups to make them modal. To address this, we’ve added a new dismissible option so you can add the data-dismissible attribute to a popup container. When set to false, the popup won’t close when you tap outside it onto the page.

Inputs: clear button option, support for file inputs

We’ve added a new feature to let you add the clear button we originally created for search inputs to any input type (text, date, number, etc.) by adding the data-clear-btn="true" attribute. The text for this clear button can be customized via the data-clear-btn-text="clear input" attribute. Search buttons have the clear button by default but can be controlled by this option. Note that this is available for all the input types except for textareas.

Now that file input types are becoming more supported by mobile platforms, we’ve added automatic styling for these as part of jQuery Mobile. Browser support for styling these is surprisingly good and even the clear button option seems to work with these on better browsers.

In addition, we’ve made lots of small improvements to inputs: fixed the height and alignment of text inputs on IE9/WP, textarea auto-grow now also works when you paste text, and text inputs now work much better with multibyte strings.

Selects: themable optgroups, header position support

If you’re using selects with custom menus, we’re fixed some focus issues and made optgroup themeable in custom menus via the new data-divider-theme option. We’ve also made selects work nicely inside headers when positioned with the ui-btn-left or ui-btn-right classes.

Button: programatic theme updates

It is now possible to change button’s data-theme programatically via _setOption.

Collapsibles: corner option

We’ve added a new corners option for inset collapsibles and collapsible sets to make this consistent with other widgets.

Fixed header improvements & extension

Fixed toolbars are tricky business with all the browser bugginess. Since 1.2, we’ve closed 37 fixed toolbar issues including the 1px jitter when scrolling, Android 2.x transition bugs, on-screen keyboard and input focus bugs, and iOS next/prev form controls causing the fixed header revealing itself.

Since the majority of these fixes are for older, but popular versions of Android 2.x and iOS, we’ve packaged these fixes and workarounds into an extension to fixed toolbars called fixedToolbar.workarounds.js that can be omitted in the download builder if you’re targeting only newer mobile browsers to save bandwidth and complexity.

Controlgroup is now a widget

We’ve upgraded controlgroup from a function into a proper widget so it has a full set of options (mini, shadow, corners, etc.) and a create event to help with enhancement.

Controlgroup API >

Icon additions: menu and edit

We’ve had a lot of requests to add specific icons to our icon sprite and with the current sprite-based approach, we’ve been trying to keep the set pretty simple and make it easy to use 3rd party sets. However, we realized that we need the now standard “3 bar” icon to accompany the new panels to support people using these for menus. While we were at it, we added a edit icon (pencil) because this was a very popular request.

In 1.4, we’re looking at re-vamping our theming and icon system and hope to be switching to SVGs with a PNG fallback which will make it easier to offer a larger icon set and maintain the best quality since we will be working with vectors. More on that after 1.3 is finalized.

Swipe event extensibility

The swipe event can now be extend to add your own logic or functionality. The following methods can be extended:

  • $.event.special.swipe.start – This method recieves a touchstart event and returns an object of data about the starting location.
  • $.event.special.swipe.stop – This method recieves a touchend event and returns an object of data about the ending location.
  • $.event.special.swipe.handleSwipe – This method recieves the start and stop objects and handles the logic for and triggering for the swipe events.

We’ve also been building some real-world swipe demos like the swipe page nav and the swipe listview item to delete.

Swipe event API >

New API site: Launching with 1.3!

Our current demo and docs format has mixed reviews: some folks like our simpler, tutorial style docs while others have said that it’s hard to just get all the info they need quickly.

To address this, we’ve been working hard on porting all our docs over to the same API style API format as jQuery core and UI. This will provide a complete reference for every option, method and event in one centralized, searchable place. Since the docs are all XML-based, you’ll be able to remix them in any way you want for complete flexibility.

We’d like to take a moment to thank team member Anne-Gaelle Colom who has spent an incredible amount of time over the last year building these docs from scratch and we really appreciate her dedication.

The new API docs are in beta now and when we hit 1.3 final, we’re going to switch over to those as our authoritative place for API info. Our plan is to retire the current docs and have an all-new demos site to accompany the new API docs.

Support for jQuery 1.9 and 2.0

jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 is being actively tested to support versions of 1.9 and 2.0 of jQuery core and will be keeping in sync with their releases to let you take full advantage of the new hotness. The 1.3.0 Beta includes 1.8.3 because 1.9.0 just shipped today (congrats). When we hit the final release, 1.9.0 will be our default. We will offer support back to 1.7.0 of core for folks on older versions.

Please help us test!

We’re looking for help with testing this release so we can release a final build as soon as possible. Browse the docs or try out the 1.3.0 Beta release in your projects, then report issues in the GitHub tracker. Be sure to specify the device, OS version, browser, steps to reproduce and include a simplified test case that uses the latest build (see our contributing guidelines for a test template). If all goes well, we hope to release the final build in 3-4 weeks.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0-beta.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.0-beta.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0-beta.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.0-beta.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File: If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Final

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the final release of 1.2.0. This release brings a new popup widget, an autodivider and collapsible option for listviews, and over 100 enhancements and fixes throughout the library to make things smoother, faster, and more polished. Try it now!

We’d like to thank the community, sponsors and most of all our amazing list of almost 200 contributors who have supported and guided the project. We encourage you to participate wherever you can, you input and help are always appreciated.

Demos & docs | Key changes | Change log | Download & CDN | Supported Platforms


New Widget: Popups

The biggest feature of 1.2 is the new popup widget. The idea with popups is to create a flexible element that makes it easy to place any content or widget in an overlay that floats above the current page. This makes it easy to build a simple tooltip, menu, popup form, map overlay, or lightbox with this same widget.

Popups follow the markup pattern of dialogs and consist of a container with a data-role of popup and a link with a data-rel of popup that points to the ID of that container. When the link is clicked, the popup is shown. Clicking outside the popup, hitting the back button, or pressing the Escape key all close the popup.

Here is the basic markup you need: a link and popup container.

<a href="#popupBasic" data-rel="popup">Open Popup</a>

<div data-role="popup" id="popupBasic">
	<p>This is a completely basic popup.<p>

We’ve worked hard to make the popups as flexible as possible to let you get creative. By default, popups are styled as a simple box with the same theme as the current page, rounded corners, and a drop shadow. Popups don’t have padding which makes it really easy to drop in a widget like a listview to create a menu.

Out of the box, there are options to control whether how it’s positioned (centered over the thing you tapped, the window, or any selector), add a semi-transparent overlay layer behind the popup, use an animated transition when the popup opens, adjust theming, and more. We’ve also added a few advanced demos showing how to build a lightbox by working with image scaling, use embedded iframes in popups for maps and videos, and even make a very custom looking side panelby tweaking styles and working with the API.

Check out the popup docs for more on the options, methods, and events APIs.

Popup history tracking: Optional

We heard feedback at alpha that some developers didn’t want to track popups in the history stack. Using the browser Back button to dismiss popups and menus is an important UI convention on many mobile platforms but there may be use cases like an iOS app where this is less of a concern.

Since we had to exclude WP7 from the history support to workaround a bug anyway, we decided to surface this mechanism in the popup API as the history option, a boolean that defaults to true but can be set via the data-history="false" attribute or when calling popup:

$( ".selector" ).popup({ history: false });

Popups must live within the page wrapper (for now)

After alpha went out, we also heard pretty clear feedback that folks want to re-use popups across pages by placing them outside the page container. At the moment this won’t work because many widgets (listviews, toolbars) are built with the assumption that they live inside a page container for theme inheritance and enhancement to work. Until these widgets are re-factored to work outside of pages at a future release, popups should only be added within a page.

Collapsible Lists

Collapsible lists

We’ve had lots of requests to make collapsible listviews that would reveal a nested listview when a row is tapped. Rather than create a new extension for listviews, we realized we could adapt of existing collapsible widget to do the trick (thanks to sjdecaires for the suggestion).

Now collapsibles have a data-inset option which still defaults to true to keep the current collapsible appearance. When this is set to false, the collapsible goes to the edges of the screen, just like a non-inset listview does. By then placing a listview inside these full width collapsible, we achieve the effect of a collapsible list.

To make what looks like a collapsible list that allows multiple sections to be open at once, stack up a series of individual collapsibles with a listviews inside. To force only one section to be expanded at once, use the collapsible set (accordion) to get this behavior.

We’re really excited to bring this new capability to the library by just adding a single option to the existing plugin set and hope to find similar opportunities to add powerful features with minimal code.

Custom collapsible icons

We forgot to mention in the alpha post that we added the ability to configure the icons for the expanded and collapsed states of a collapsibles and collapsible sets. Collapsible headings’ default icons can be overridden by using the data-collapsed-icon and data-expanded-icon attributes and choosing any of the standard icons for each.

Listview Autodividers

Listview autodividers

Speaking of listivews, we have a cool new feature in 1.2: autodividers. Simply add the data-autodividers attribute to any listview and the framework will automatically add alphabetical list dividers based on the contents of your list.

<ul data-role="listview" data-autodividers="true">

This is especially helpful when generating lists dynamically. Best of all, this feature is designed to work seamlessly with our listview filter extension so dividers will be added and removed to stay in sync with the current set of filtered items.

Read-only Lists: Flat Visual Style

Read-only Listview

We’ve tweaked the design of read-only listviews in 1.2 to make them look less clickable by removing the gradient from the list items and only using the flat background color. It’s a subtle change, but it does help to provide a clearer visual separation between clickable and read-only lists.

Prior to 1.2, read only lists were also given a bit less padding because we figured that these didn’t need to be as touch-friendly as normal, clickable listviews. However, we found that some folks were using listviews with a mixture of linked and non-linked list items and that shift in padding didn’t look right.

We now use the same padding for both read-only and linked list items.

Controlgroup Icon Buttons: Easier to Tap

Controlgroup Icon Buttons

When icon-only buttons were used in controlgroups, they were simply too small to be finger-friendly so in 1.2, we’ve improved the design to increase the padding around the icons to make them easier to tap.

If you still need to smaller style, you can add the data-mini="true" option to the controlgroup or individual buttons to reduce the size of the button groups to be closer to the way they were in 1.1, but they are still large enough to still be usable.

Buttons in Toolbars: Now Mini by Default

Prior to 1.2, link-based buttons were mini by default, but not buttons based on input and button elements. Now, we automatically make these mini sized for visual consistency. If you ever need to revert to larger buttons, that option is available via the data-mini attribute.

All Form Elements: Width Adjustments in Fieldcontainers

Form widths

We recommend that most folks use the fieldcontainer markup pattern when building forms to take advantage of the responsive label styling. This stacks the label above the input at narrow widths and floats it to the left of the input at wider widths to take full use of tablet and desktop devices.

In 1.2, we’ve made some refinements to the design for this pattern to make sure we’re using as much of the horizontal space as possible for the form element. Labels have always been 20% + 2% margin and now the form element widths have been increased from 60% to 78% so they go as full width as possible.

We’ve carefully tested every form element in a wide variety of situations to ensure that the spacing and sizing of each is as consistent as we can for a polished experience.

Touch and vmouse events: Now available for standalone use

We’ve decoupled all of our plugins and have a clear dependency map which allows us to offer the download builder tool (Alpha) to let you build the leanest package possible. However, we heard that some developers just wanted to grab the virtual mouse events that normalize between touch and mouse inputs (vmouse) or the touch events like swipe or touchstart but don’t want to use the rest of the jQuery Mobile library.

In this latest release, we’ve refactored a bit to eliminate the dependency on mobile core for utilities like these. Now if you want to take advantage of just our vmouse events, simply check that box in the download builder and grab the file. Other utilities like orientationchange and throttledresize are also available without the core dependency in the builder.

This additional decoupling is only available if you choose 1.2.0 or latest in the version dropdown of the download builder tool.

Note that the file generated by the download builder is always jquery.mobile.custom.zip which contains the .js, .min.js, .css, .min.css.

Support for jQuery core 1.8 added: Impact on BB5 and iOS3

jQuery Mobile 1.2 now supports up to version jQuery core 1.8.2. However, there was an important change in jQuery core 1.8.x that removed a lot of old code for offset() in favor of the more modern getBoundingClientRect() and window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage() methods. The one downside of this change is that Blackberry 5 and iOS 3 don’t support either of these methods, which broke widgets like the loader, popup and slider.

As of now, we’ve added in a small bit of code to detect if jQuery core 1.8+ is in use and if getBoundingClientRect() isn’t supported, we don’t enhance the page and keep it as simple HTML. That means that if you use 1.8.x with jQuery Mobile, BB5 and iOS3 will receive the C Grade experience (basic HTML). If you use version 1.7.x, these will be enhanced as before.

jQuery core 1.6.x: Support dropped

As a project, we generally support the two latest major versions of jQuery core. Now that 1.8 has been out for a while, we’re dropping support for 1.6.x in this release. If you use version 1.6.x, things should work fine now, but going forward, we will won’t actively test 1.6.x or fix issues that only occur with this version.

Supported Platforms: Always Expanding

Form widths

Our test lab has grown to over 70 phone, e-readers and tablets over the past few years. Luckily, our dedication to web standards and feature detection has meant that most new devices “just work” when they arrive. As of 1.2, we’ve added a few notable A grade platforms into testing rotation: iOS 6, Android 4.1 (Jellybean), Tizen, Firefox for Android, and Kindle Fire HD.

Change Log for 1.2


Added padding for icon-only buttons in controlgroup (Issue: #1998)

Adjusted CSS selector for fullsize button in toolbar (Issue: #4619) — The search input clear button now gets the correct padding when placed in a header or footer.

Make button elements default to mini in header and footer (Issue: Override default margin if controlgroups or form elements have class ui-btn-left/right (Issue: #4713)


Adjusting comment to be simple apostrophe rather than special character  — Remove an unusual character in CSS comment that was causing compilation problems. Thanks @ecaron!

Outline style “auto” for browsers that don’t support box-shadow so it is the same as outline on regular links

Remove a typo in jquery.mobile.theme CSS (Issue: #4910) — Corrected a typo in button hover CSS. Mitch64!

Set webkit-text-size-adjust to 100% instead of “none” (Issue: #4218) — Fixes a desktop webkit browser bug that prevents text zoom.


Filter for first label. Fixes label conflict issue (Issue: #3879) — Fixes the double label issue which was raised if checkboxes or radios had associated more than one label.


Remove explicit left and right margin 0 to allow margins when used in grid  — CSS improvement for checkboxes and radios to look more graceful when placed in grids.


Add support for same expanded/collapsed non default icon (Issue: #4801) — Collapsibles now can have the same non-default icon for collapsed/expanded state.

Added inset option for Collapsible / Collapsible sets. Adjusted CSS for inset collapsible (removed -8px margin) and added CSS for non-inset collapsibles. (Issue: #3976) — Collapsibles and Collapsible-Sets now have a new inset option to remove all margins and give them a non-inset listview look.

Added rule that prevents double borders in a serie of individual collapsibles  — To avoid double borders (top and bottom) in a serie of standalone collapsibles a CSS rule was added that can be easily overwritten if collapsibles with different swatches are used.

Custom collapsible icons  — Adds the ability to change the icon used for collapsible headers through data-* attributes and prototype options. Content of pages with fixed persistent toolbars higher than standard, now gets the right alignment. Thanks jakeboone02!

Made non-inset listviews exactly fit inside ui-collapsible-content.

Make sure the collapsibles inherit a theme if nothing is set  — Collapsibles now show the right hover/button-up/button-down styling.


Make sure only one collapsible in a set is expanded at the same time.  — Improved collapsible set functionality.


Float none for select and checkboxradio ui-btn because their container div already has float left

Keep the possibility to center the controls with vertical-align property (Issue: #4765)

Make icon-only buttons default to mini in toolbars  — Toolbar buttons without text (data-iconpos="notext") now get the mini style by default.

Prevent small bottom margin that some browsers add because of display inline-block  — Horizontal controlgroups now getting centered vertical alignment to prevent a small margin, that some browsers add to buttons.

Prevent the controls inside controlgroups from being wrapped multiple times (Issue: #4716)


Enabled box shadow support for BlackBerry OS 6+ (Issue: #4828) — Fixed a text input issue on Blackberry 6 browsers where the input became black when it got focus.

Introduce $.mobile.supportsTouch as a supported API and resuscitated $.support.touch though it is still unsupported

Moves fixed positioning blacklist to jquery.mobile.support.js  — Made the frameworks browser detection for fixed positioning support a central component.

Moving to jQuery 1.8 as the default version  — jQuery 1.8 (1.8.1) ist now the default version for jQuery Mobile 1.2.x

Reference widget factory version (Issue: #2838) — jQuery UI’s widget file includes its actual version now.

When the hash portion of the initial URL is exactly equal to the dialog hash key, we must trigger a hashchange (Issue: #5021)

Download Manager

CSS metadata were pointing at jquery.mobile.transitions.*  — Fix for the jQuery Mobile download manager.

Fixed CSS path had an extra dotdot  — Path fix for the jQuery Mobile download manager.


Full width forms (Issue: #3301) — The width of fieldcontainers has been changed from 60% to 78% so the form will be full width now.

Framework, general

Added new jQM logo to docs homepage  — Learn more about the New jQuery Mobile Logo!


Grid CSS refactoring (Issue: #4835) — Grids with more than two columns and multiple rows now get the correct CSS. Thanks diamondq!


Add extra listview autodivider check (Issue: #4901) — If a listview was nested inside a normal list then the listviewcreate event for autodividers would also fire for the parent list causing an error as this list did not contain listview data. An extra check was added to ensure the parent list is actually a listview. Thanks marcins!

Added a “listviewbeforefilter” event (Issue: #4721) — Listview filter function improvement.

Added filter input as a data attribute of the event

Added missing webkit prefix for border-radius on Android 2.1 and iOS 3.2.

Always filter the full list of items (Issue: #4133) — Custom filter methods for listviews now always filter all list items.

Improved border styling of listview inside collapsible content  — Improved CSS for listviews and listview filter items inside collapsible content.

Increase the level of specificity of the margin 0 rule for listview buttons to avoid margins when used in grid (Issue: #4945) — CSS improvement for listviews to be more solid when placed in grids.

Listview autodividers: Fix for text links in list items  — Autodividers now work as expected if list items contain links.

Merge branch ‘townxelliot-autodividers’  — New Listview option Autodividers. Thanks townxelliot!

New styling for read-only lists (Issue: #4347) — Adding theming support and new styling for read only lists.


Added clearfix for navbar (Issues: #5008 #5032) — CSS improvement to avoid styling issues when Navbars placed in listviews.

Capture and retrigger clicks on the parent list item element in navbars (Issue: #4663) — Fix for an issue on chrome/android where buttons in navbars are functionless after scroll.

Move active state regain code out of _create() and into its own prototype-level function and use ._on() to invoke it during “pagebeforeshow”

Persistent navbar broken on scroll, Chrome for Android. (Issue: #4663) — Persistent navbars now work as expected. Thanks mmavko!

Set margin to 0 to avoid the top/bottom margin of .ui-mini being applied


Abstract backward movement in history (Issue: #4950) — “window.history.back” doesn’t work in phonegap applications after a page refresh, though it does work under hashchange/replacestate. The solution is to use their “navigator.app.backHistory” method along with a configuration option. The reasoning for the option is to prevent any corner cases popping up with existing phonegap applications. Forward history movement for the same usecase is _not_ addressed but remains an even lower priority.

Avoid string concat where possible  — Code refining.

Handle the case where the initial URL contains a non-path hash that points to a non-existing page

Handle URLs with parentheses properly (Issue: #4849) — The regular expression used to parse the jqmData psuedo selector restricts the
use of parentheses which are valid in urls. This breaks data-ns-url selection.
The fix is to avoid the pseudo selector.

Make sure the username and password in the url are encoded (Issue: #4787)

Overwrite stale dialog urlHistory entry instead of reusing it as-is (Issue: Replace location.href references with a centralized method so we can address a XSS/cross-site-scripting issue (Issue: #4787)

Strip authority to avoid exploits in parse regex (Issue: #4787) — As explained by @mala in Issue #4787, most browsers simply strip the authority from `location.href` anyway. We can simply mimick this more secure behavior for the browsers that don’t thereby avoiding the decoding XSS.

When showing a dialog, do not append dialogHashKey if the URL already contains it (Issue: #2656)


Header buttons: Added “button” to the selector (Issue: #4638) — Manual added header buttons now placed in the same line as the title.


Added a note to the docs about using underscores within foldernames in PhoneGap for Android (Issue: #4991)


Add afteropen trigger to setTimeout with android fix  — The select menu’s (now that they depend on popups) require that the first item is focused after they are open. The focus of the popup itself was deferred until after the trigger of afteropen which the select menu uses to focus its first item. As a result the focus was stolen from the select menu by the popup to the popup container.

Add hashListeningEnabled to the intersection that establishes whether we will use history or not

Adding header/content/footer border support for popups (Issue: #5000) — Adds corner support for header/content/footer container inside popups having data-corners attribute set to true

Bind vclick handler to the document on Android  — To implement click-on-screen-to-dismiss-popup one must bind the “vclick” handler to the document rather than the screen, in order to prevent unpleasantness on Android 4.0. WP7 nevertheless requires the code to remain as is, because handling the screen vclick after it has bubbled to the document causes text and inputs underneath the screen to handle and then swallow the event.

Disable popup history managment in old IE by default (Issue: #4784) — Cause of a Windows Phone 7 (WP7) scroll position caching issue, the new popup history option is disbaled by default for old IE browsers.

Do not allow the event to bubble up to the document, after all  — Refactoring the popup close process to stop bubbling up to the document.

Do not fiddle with the focus when rapid-opening/closing during reposition (Issue: #4797) — Fix for a native keyboard issue preventing data-input in forms in popups when popup-reposition occurs.

Do not forget about the no-history-manipulation case when calling _open()  — Popups open method improvement when no-history feature is used.

Do not use history when there is no AJAX (Issue: #5006) — Fix for non working popups on BlackBerry 5.

Eliminate the need for a popup IE6/7-specific workaround class, as well as additional scripting  — Popup background fix for IE6/7.

Enable close button when history is disabled  — Make the popup close button work even if the new popup history option is disabled.

Exclude internal attributes from dom element (Issue: #4967) — Fixed markup issue when popup is opened.

First pass at disabling history with an option in popup  — Added a popup option for disabling URL history management. This new option sets whether to alter the URL when a popup is open to support the browsers back button. URL history management is enabled by default.

First pass at popup simplification  — Refactoring popup code for simplification.

Fixed the order of the tolerance parameters (Issue: #4856) — The values for the popup tolerance option to set the distance between the popup and the window, now were interpreted as the documention says: top, right, bottom, left.

Focus parent link on close when opened by a parent link  — Popup calling links now get focus back when popup closed.

Hide fixed toolbars on Android ICS native browser when popups are opened (Issues: #4816 #4844 #4874) — When fixed toolbars were used on a page, the use of any position:fixed elements cause havoc with rendering of stacked elements in Android. In these situations, the popup would visually appear *under* the overlay but was still clickable so this was a display bug. This issues were addressed by adding conditional logic that will toggle the toolbars from position:fixed to position:absolute when the popup is opened and closed. The drawback to this fix is fixed toolbars appear to hide when a popup is open, but this workaround is only applied to Android 4.0 and will only been seen if there are fixed toolbars and popups with an overlay theme.

Make sure the popup is closed on destroy (including cleanup)  — Popup code refactoring

On WP7, you get “” for an empty background, not undefined, like in IE8  — Fix for a WP7 popup issue.

Perform the visual open only when the nav hook has been acquired (Issue: #4949) — Fixed an iOS popup / custom select positioning issue.

Prevent positioning context bug for close buttons within popups in Opera Mini

Properly handle popups in dialogs, make sure dialog closes on page changes  — Refactoring popup chaining from dialogs to keep proper page navigation and URL history.

Remove default fade animation from popup overlays. (Issue: #4915) — The CSS-based fade in/out transition on the themed overlay causes similar visual stacking bugs as fixed toolbars in Chrome. This was addressed by removing the fade behavior on the overlay. Testing revealed that not animating the opacity of the overlay made the popup display significantly faster so this change is now applied across the board. The overlay now pops into place without a transition.

Remove link focus, unwind stack before applying focus and tabindex  — To prevent popup transition issues on Android 4.0 devices, the order of applying focus and tabindex was changed when popups are opened.

Remove styles related to popup overlay fade  — Tidied up popup CSS after removing overlay-transitions.

Resolve the popup screen deferred immediately  — Popup refactoring.

Restrict the application of the exclusions to the recording of the new option value in the data-* attributes. Do still chain up to mobile.widget with every option.  — Popup widget improvement.

Reuse dialog hash if already present and tack on another if it is part of the initial hash (Issue: #4994) — Popup refactoring to support browser refresh when a popup is open.

The popup screen leaves a 1px gap at the bottom of the screen to avert Android 4.0 hangage  — Popups now get a 1 Pixel bottom gap due to an display issue on Android 4.0.

Unhook hash listeners from popup when aborting

Use $.inArray, because IE does not seem to have .indexOf() on arrays

Use just the hash as a selector in IE7/WP 7.0 (Issue: #4917) — Fixed an IE7/Windows Phone 7.0 popup open issue caused by the handling of hashes and absolute hrefs in that browsers.

Use new ._on() binding method to attach handlers such that they are removed upon _destroy()

Use ui-overlay-* for overlay theme  — Popups overlay now use the ui-overlay class

Use widget factory to trigger events

Using “position: fixed” blacklist to fix popup overlays in browsers that know what they are doing with “position: fixed” to avoid monstrous overlays on long pages in some cases.


Add ui-btn-down- to initially focused menu item to make tab selection consistent

Event timing difference in iOS 6 was causing zoom to be disabled and immediately re-enabled prior to the zoom taking place (Issue: #5041) — Fix for iOS 6 which reintroduces a select input page-zoom issue.


Bind to sliders vmouseup for refresh (Issue: #4756) — Browsers like Chrome provide an up and down arrow for range/number inputs but they don’t fire the change event until the control is blurred. We now bind to the mouseup event and check if the value has been altered. If it has, we refresh now the slider position to reflect the value change.

Correct slider to use _on, and guard the unbinding test

Increase level of specificity to avoid conflicts when sliders used in a grid (Issue: #4944) — CSS improvement for sliders to be more solid when placed in grids.

Merge branch ‘memory-leaks’  — Slider widget functional and memory improvements

Move _preventDocumentDrag function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Move _sliderMouseUp function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Partly fixes an issue on Safari/Mac where the input width is decreased when the browser implements the spinner

Stop the call structure for slider updates earlier on disabled inputs (Issues: #3058 #4770) — Improved behavior for disabled sliders.

Support slidestart and slidestop events (Issue: #1589) — Sliders now support slidestart and slidestop events


Move _keyup function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Unbind document handlers to prevent memory leaks on textinput


A negative indent of -99999em can cause native Android 4.x to freak out, since its so absurdly high. Switched to -9999px.

Added class ui-popup to tapToggleBlacklist  — The tap toggle feature for fixed toolbars now is disabled when popups are open.

Fix for fixed persistent toolbar padding issues (Issues: #4176 #4219) — Content of pages with fixed persistent toolbars higher than standard, now gets the right alignment. Thanks MauriceG!

Prevent `0` from being appended to the document when using a persistent footer with jQuery 1.8.x (Issue: #4887)

Widget Factory

Upgrade widget factory to 1.9 beta version (Issue: #4629)


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:


Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0/jquery.mobile-1.2.0.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0/jquery.mobile-1.2.0.min.js"></script>


ZIP File:
If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:


Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

Platform support in 1.2.0

jQuery Mobile has broad support for the vast majority of all modern desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms. In addition, feature phones and older browsers are supported because of our progressive enhancement approach. We’re very proud of our commitment to universal accessibility through our broad support for all popular platforms.

We use a 3-level graded platform support system: A (full), B (full minus Ajax), C (basic HTML). The visual fidelity of the experience and smoothness of page transitions are highly dependent on the CSS rendering capabilities of the device and platform so not all A grade experience will be pixel-perfect but that’s the nature of the web.

* Note: If jQuery core 1.8+ is used with jQuery Mobile, iOS 3.x and BB5 are re-graded to C level support because core dropped support for methods these platforms need for full functionality.

A-grade – Full enhanced experience with Ajax-based animated page transitions.

  • Apple iOS 3.2*-6.0 – Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1 / 6.0), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1 / 6.0)
  • Android 2.1-2.3 – Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)
  • Android 3.2 (Honeycomb)  – Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM
  • Android 4.0 (ICS)  – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices
  • Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7
  • Windows Phone 7-7.5 – Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800
  • Blackberry 6.0 – Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670
  • Blackberry 7 – Tested on BlackBerry® Torch 9810
  • Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) – Tested on PlayBook
  • Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) – Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)
  • Palm WebOS 3.0 – Tested on HP TouchPad
  • Firefox Mobile 15 – Tested on Android 2.3 and 4.1 devices
  • Chrome for Android 18 – Tested on Android 4.0 and 4.1 devices
  • Skyfire 4.1 – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3
  • Meego 1.2 – Tested on Nokia 950 and N9
  • Tizen (pre-release) – Tested on early hardware
  • Samsung Bada 2.0 – Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser
  • UC Browser – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Kindle 3 and Fire – Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each
  • Nook Color 1.4.1 – Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet
  • Chrome Desktop 11-21 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Safari Desktop 4-5 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Firefox Desktop 4-15 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 7-10 – Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7
  • Opera Desktop 10-12 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7

B-grade – Enhanced experience except without Ajax navigation features.

  • Blackberry 5.0*: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770
  • Opera Mini 7 – Tested on iOS 5.1 and Android 2.3
  • Nokia Symbian^3 – Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)

C-grade – Basic, non-enhanced HTML experience that is still functional

  • Blackberry 4.x – Tested on the Curve 8330
  • Windows Mobile – Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
  • All older smartphone platforms and featurephones – Any device that doesn’t support media queries will receive the basic, C grade experience

jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Release Candidate 2

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the second release candidate for 1.2.0. We had a few bugs come in with RC1 that we wanted to fix up before going final. Notably, we’ve re-enabled the fix for selects and inputs zooming in unnecessarily in iOS6 and improved popup support in Opera Mini (though positioning is still less than ideal).

There are a ton of great new features in 1.2.0 so if you haven’t been following along, see the alpha, beta, and RC1 blog posts for full details of features and changes leading up to this RC.

We’re hoping this will be the last RC before heading to the final release. If we don’t see a showstopper bug come in, this will be the same code we’ll release as 1.2.0 stable. Please help us test and report issues before we move to the final version. Try it now!

Demos & docs | Change log | Download & CDN

Change log (since 1.2.0 RC1)


Adjusting comment to be simple apostrophe rather than special character  – Remove an unusual character in CSS comment that was causing compilation problems. Thanks @ecaron!


When the hash portion of the initial URL is exactly equal to the dialog hash key, we must trigger a hashchange (Issue: #5021)

Framework, general

Added new jQM logo to docs homepage – Learn more about the new jQuery Mobile Logo


Added clearfix for navbar (Issues: #5008 #5032) – CSS improvement to avoid styling issues when Navbars placed in listviews.


Add hashListeningEnabled to the intersection that establishes whether we will use history or not

Do not use history when there is no AJAX (Issue: #5006) – Fix for non working popups on BlackBerry 5.

Prevent positioning context bug for close buttons within popups in Opera Mini

Reuse dialog hash if already present and tack on another if it is part of the initial hash (Issue: #4994) – Popup refactoring to support browser refresh when a popup is open.

Use $.inArray, because IE does not seem to have .indexOf() on arrays


Event timing difference in iOS 6 was causing zoom to be disabled and immediately re-enabled prior to the zoom taking place (Issue: #5041) – Fix for iOS 6 which reintroduces a select input page-zoom issue.


Added class ui-popup to tapToggleBlacklist – The tap toggle feature for fixed toolbars now is disabled when popups are open.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-rc.2/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-rc.2.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-rc.2/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-rc.2.min.js"></script>

ZIP File: If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1 Released

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the first release candidate for 1.2.0. We only had a few serious bugs come in with our recent beta release now that those are patched up, we’re moving on the RC1. There are a ton of great new features in 1.2 so if you haven’t read up, see the 1.2 alpha blog post for full details, we’re just going to cover what’s new here.

Please help us test and report issues before we move to the final version. Try it now!

Demos & docs | Change log | Download & CDN

Note: jQuery core 1.8.x with BB 5 and iOS 3 = C grade experience

In jQuery core 1.8.0, the team removed a lot of old offset code in favor of getBoundingClientRect() and window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage() which are very widely supported. John Resig even wrote a blog post about the wonders of getBoundingClientRect() and we think this was a smart move because it cut a lot of code weight.

The one downside of this change is that Blackberry 5 and iOS 3 don’t support either of these more modern methods. When we tested jQuery Mobile on these platforms with 1.8.x, there were errors that broke the page because we use getBoundingClientRect() for the loader, popup and slider.

We’ve been coordinating with the core team to find a fix and in the forthcoming jQuery core 1.8.2 release, getBoundingClientRect() will return 0,0 if not supported to at least avoid errors. We’ve been looking to find ways to work around this method in our widgets but we’re concerned about adding a lot of code bloat to support these older browsers.

As of now, we’ve added in a small bit of code to detect if jQuery core 1.8+ and lack of suport for getBoundingClientRect() and don’t enhance the page in these cases. That means that if you use 1.8.x with jQuery Mobile, BB5 and iOS3 will receive the C Grade experience (basic HTML). We’re assessing our policy on what grade we should have for browsers that jQuery core doesn’t support anymore so stay tuned on that front.

Change log (since 1.2 beta)


Remove explicit left and right margin 0 to allow margins when used in grid 
– CSS improvement for checkboxes and radios to look more graceful when placed in grids.


Enabled box shadow support for BlackBerry OS 6+ (Issue: #4828)
– Fixed a text input issue on Blackberry 6 browsers where the input became black when it got focus.

Moves fixed positioning blacklist to jquery.mobile.support.js – Made the frameworks browser detection for fixed positioning support a central component.


Added missing webkit prefix for border-radius on Android 2.1 and iOS 3.2.

Increase the level of specificity of the margin 0 rule for listview buttons to avoid margins when used in grid (Issue: #4945)
– CSS improvement for listviews to be more solid when placed in grids.


Abstract backward movement in history (Issue: #4950)
– “window.history.back” doesn’t work in phonegap applications after a page refresh, though it does work under hashchange/replacestate. The solution is to use their “navigator.app.backHistory” method along with a configuration option. The reasoning for the option is to prevent any corner cases popping up with existing phonegap applications. Forward history movement for the same usecase is _not_ addressed but remains an even lower priority.


Added a note to the docs about using underscores within foldernames in PhoneGap for Android (Issue: #4991)


Adding header/content/footer border support for popups (Issue: #5000)
– Adds corner support for header/content/footer container inside popups having data-corners attribute set to true

Do not forget about the no-history-manipulation case when calling _open() 
– Popups open method improvement when no-history feature is used.

Exclude internal attributes from dom element (Issue: #4967)
– Fixed markup issue when popup is opened.

Perform the visual open only when the nav hook has been acquired (Issue: #4949)
– Fixed an iOS popup / custom select positioning issue.

Restrict the application of the exclusions to the recording of the new option value in the data-* attributes. Do still chain up to mobile.widget with every option. 
– Popup widget improvement.

Using “position: fixed” blacklist to fix popup overlays in browsers that know what they are doing with “position: fixed” to avoid monstrous overlays on long pages in some cases. 


Increase level of specificity to avoid conflicts when sliders used in a grid (Issue: #4944)
– CSS improvement for sliders to be more solid when placed in grids.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-rc.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-rc.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File:
If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

jQuery Mobile 1.2 Beta Released

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the beta release of 1.2.0. Since we released the alpha a few weeks ago, we’ve been listening to your feedback and fixing as many issues as possible. We unearthed a few Android and WP browser bugs int he new popup widget that proved to be pretty tricky to work through so we ended up doing a fair amount of re-factoring to the code to work around the bugs.

As we spent a few weeks grinding away at workarounds for these browser bugs, we also landed another 60 fixes, upgraded to the UI 1.9 widget factory, and added full support for jQuery core 1.8.0 and 1.8.1. The upside is that the new code is now leaner, faster and more compatible.

Since we’ve made a fair amount of changes since alpha, we’ve decided to release this beta to help the community give the code a full runthrough to see if we are indeed ready for final release. Please help us test and report issues so we can move forward quickly. Try it now!

There are a ton of great new features in 1.2 so if you haven’t read up, see the 1.2 alpha blog post for full details, we’re just going to cover what’s new here. We’d also like to thank all our contributors who have helped make jQuery Mobile better.

Demos & docs | Change log | Download & CDN

The bugs: Real baddies

There were a few browser bugs in Android and WP7 that were very challenging for the team to debug and create workarounds for after alpha. Here is a rundown of the key bugs we’ve been wrestling with:

    • Visual z-index issues in Android 4.0 default browser (#4816 and #4874) – When fixed toolbars were used on a page, the use of any position:fixed elements cause havoc with rendering of stacked elements in Android. In these situations, the popup would visually appear under the overlay but was still clickable so this was just an odd a display bug. This issue was addressed by adding conditional logic that will toggle the toolbars from position:fixed to position:absolute when the popup is opened and closed. The drawback to this fix is fixed toolbars appear to hide when a popup is open, so we applied this workaround to only apply to cases where there are fixed toolbars and popups with an overlay theme on Android 4.0.
    • Animating overlay opacity bug in Android 4.0 Chrome (#4915) – The CSS-based fade in/out transition on the themed overlay causes similar visual stacking bugs as fixed toolbars in Chrome. This was addressed by removing the fade behavior on the overlay. Testing revealed that not animating the opacity of the overlay made the popup also display significantly faster so this change is now applied across the board for all browsers. The overlay now pops into place without a transition and adding a transition isn’t offered as an option.
    • Wild scrolling in WP7.5 when closing a popup (#4784) – When closing a popup in WP7, the window would appear to scroll to random locations. Turns out this was due to a bug in WP7’s history management that would not correctly remember the scroll position when we used the history and hashchange to close the popup. After spending over a week looking at possible solutions, the team has determined that this can not be worked around. To address this bug, we have excluded just WP7 from back button support with popups so these must be closed by clicking outside the popup or using a developer-supplied close button. We also had to handle the close button behavior to work without hashchange to work with this situation. The option to track history has been exposed as the “history” option now in the popup API: http://jquerymobile.com/branches/popup-simple/docs/pages/popup/options.html
    • Multiple, sticky button focus states in WP7 –  As popups were opened and closed, the blue outline of the focus state class would remain on the buttons that launched the popups. As it turns out, this was purely a display bug in related to WP7’s buggy history implementation. This issues was also fixed by excluding WP7 from history support.

Also in 1.2 – Custom collapsible icons

We forgot to mention in the alpha post that we added the ability to configure the icons for the expanded and collapsed states of a collapsibles and collapsible sets. Collapsible headings’ default icons can be overridden by using the data-collapsed-icon and data-expanded-icon attributes and choosing any of the standard icons for each.

Popup history tracking: Now an option

We heard feedback at alpha that some developers didn’t want to track popups in the history stack. Using the browser Back button to dismiss popups and menus is an important UI convention on many mobile platforms but there may be use cases like an iOS app where this is less of a concern.

Since we had to exclude WP7 from the history support to workaround a bug anyway, we decided to surface this mechanism in the popup API as the history option, a boolean that defaults to true but can be set via the data-history="false" attribute or when calling popup:

$( ".selector" ).popup({ history: false });

Popups must live within the page wrapper (for now)

After alpha went out, we also heard pretty clear feedback that folks want to re-use popups across pages by placing them outside the page container. At the moment this won’t work because many widgets (listviews, toolbars) are built with the assumption that they live inside a page container for theme inheritance and enhancement to work. Until these widgets are re-factored to work outside of pages at a future release, popups should only be added within a page.

Change log (since 1.2 alpha)


Override default margin if controlgroups or form elements have class ui-btn-left/right (Issue: #4713)


Remove a typo in jquery.mobile.theme CSS (Issue: #4910)
– Corrected a typo in button hover CSS. Mitch64!

Set webkit-text-size-adjust to 100% instead of “none” (Issue: #4218)
– Fixes a desktop webkit browser bug that prevents text zoom.


Add support for same expanded/collapsed non default icon (Issue: #4801)
– Collapsibles now can have the same non-default icon for collapsed/expanded state.


Float none for select and checkboxradio ui-btn because their container div already has float left

Keep the possibility to center the controls with vertical-align property (Issue: #4765)

Make icon-only buttons default to mini in toolbars
– Toolbar buttons without text (data-iconpos="notext") now get the mini style by default.

Prevent small bottom margin that some browsers add because of display inline-block
– Horizontal controlgoups now getting centered vertical alignment to prevent a small margin, that some browsers add to buttons.

Prevent the controls inside controlgroups from being wrapped multiple times (Issue: #4716)


Introduce $.mobile.supportsTouch as a supported API and resuscitated $.support.touch though it is still unsupported

Moving to jQuery 1.8 as the default version
– jQuery 1.8 (1.8.1) ist now the default version for jQuery Mobile 1.2.x

Reference widget factory version (Issue: #2838)
– jQuery UI’s widget file includes its actual version now.

Download Manager

CSS metadata were pointing at jquery.mobile.transitions.*
– Fix for the jQuery Mobile download manager.

Fixed CSS path had an extra dotdot
– Path fix for the jQuery Mobile download manager.


Grid CSS refactoring (Issue: #4835)
– Grids with more than two columns and multiple rows now get the correct CSS. Thanks diamondq!


Add extra listview autodivider check (Issue: #4901)
– If a listview was nested inside a normal list then the listviewcreate event for autodividers would also fire for the parent list causing an error as this list did not contain listview data. An extra check was added to ensure the parent list is actually a listview. Thanks marcins!

Added a “listviewbeforefilter” event (Issue: #4721)
– Listview filter function improvement.

Added filter input as a data attribute of the event

Always filter the full list of items (Issue: #4133)
– Custom filter methods for listviews now always filter all list items.

Listview autodividers: Fix for text links in list items
– Autodividers now work as expected if list items contain links.


Capture and retrigger clicks on the parent list item element in navbars (Issue: #4663)
– Fix for an issue on chrome/android where buttons in navbars are functionless after scroll.

Move active state regain code out of _create() and into its own prototype-level function and use ._on() to invoke it during “pagebeforeshow”

Persistent navbar broken on scroll, Chrome for Android. (Issue: #4663)
– Persistent navbars now work as expected. Thanks mmavko!


Avoid string concat where possible
– Code refining.

Handle URLs with parentheses properly (Issue: #4849)
– The regular expression used to parse the jqmData psuedo selector restricts the
use of parentheses which are valid in urls. This breaks data-ns-url selection.
The fix is to avoid the pseudo selector.

Make sure the username and password in the url are encoded (Issue: #4787)

Overwrite stale dialog urlHistory entry instead of reusing it as-is (Issue: Replace location.href references with a centralized method so we can address a XSS/cross-site-scripting issue (Issue: #4787)

Strip authority to avoid exploits in parse regex (Issue: #4787)
– As explained by @mala in Issue #4787, most browsers simply strip the authority from `location.href` anyway. We can simply mimick this more secure behavior for the browsers that don’t thereby avoiding the decoding XSS.


Add afteropen trigger to setTimeout with android fix
– The select menu’s (now that they depend on popups) require that the first item is focused after they are open. The focus of the popup itself was deferred until after the trigger of afteropen which the select menu uses to focus its first item. As a result the focus was stolen from the select menu by the popup to the popup container.

Bind vclick handler to the document on Android
– To implement click-on-screen-to-dismiss-popup one must bind the “vclick” handler to the document rather than the screen, in order to prevent unpleasantness on Android 4.0. WP7 nevertheless requires the code to remain as is, because handling the screen vclick after it has bubbled to the document causes text and inputs underneath the screen to handle and then swallow the event.

Disable popup history managment in old IE by default (Issue: #4784)
– Cause of a Windows Phone 7 (WP7) scroll position caching issue, the new popup history option is disbaled by default for old IE browsers.

Do not allow the event to bubble up to the document, after all
– Refactoring the popup close process to stop bubbling up to the document.

Do not fiddle with the focus when rapid-opening/closing during reposition (Issue: #4797)
– Fix for a native keyboard issue preventing data-input in forms in popups when popup-reposition occurs.

Eliminate the need for a popup IE6/7-specific workaround class, as well as additional scripting
– Popup background fix for IE6/7.

Enable close button when history is disabled
– Make the popup close button work even if the new popup history option is disabled.

First pass at disabling history with an option in popup
– Added a popup option for disabling URL history management. This new option sets whether to alter the URL when a popup is open to support the browsers back button. URL history management is enabled by default.

First pass at popup simplification
– Refactoring popup code for simplification.

Fixed the order of the tolerance parameters (Issue: #4856)
– The values for the popup tolerance option to set the distance between the popup and the window, now were interpreted as the documention says: top, right, bottom, left.

Focus parent link on close when opened by a parent link
– Popup calling links now get focus back when popup closed.

Hide fixed toolbars on Android ICS native browser when popups are opened (Issues: #4816 #4844 #4874)
– When fixed toolbars were used on a page, the use of any position:fixed elements cause havoc with rendering of stacked elements in Android. In these situations, the popup would visually appear *under* the overlay but was still clickable so this was a display bug. This issues were addressed by adding conditional logic that will toggle the toolbars from position:fixed to position:absolute when the popup is opened and closed. The drawback to this fix is fixed toolbars appear to hide when a popup is open, but this workaround is only applied to Android 4.0 and will only been seen if there are fixed toolbars and popups with an overlay theme.

Make sure the popup is closed on destroy (including cleanup)
– Popup code refactoring

On WP7, you get “” for an empty background, not undefined, like in IE8
– Fix for a WP7 popup issue.

Properly handle popups in dialogs, make sure dialog closes on page changes
– Refactoring popup chaining from dialogs to keep proper page navigation and URL history.

Remove default fade animation from popup overlays. (Issue: #4915)
– The CSS-based fade in/out transition on the themed overlay causes similar visual stacking bugs as fixed toolbars in Chrome. This was addressed by removing the fade behavior on the overlay. Testing revealed that not animating the opacity of the overlay made the popup display significantly faster so this change is now applied across the board. The overlay now pops into place without a transition.

Remove link focus, unwind stack before applying focus and tabindex
– To prevent popup transition issues on Android 4.0 devices, the order of applying focus and tabindex was changed when popups are opened.

Remove styles related to popup overlay fade
– Tidied up popup CSS after removing overlay-transitions.

Resolve the popup screen deferred immediately
– Popup refactoring.

The popup screen leaves a 1px gap at the bottom of the screen to avert Android 4.0 hangage
– Popups now get a 1 Pixel bottom gap due to an display issue on Android 4.0.

Unhook hash listeners from popup when aborting

Use just the hash as a selector in IE7/WP 7.0 (Issue: #4917)
– Fixed an IE7/Windows Phone 7.0 popup open issue caused by the handling of hashes and absolute hrefs in that browsers.

Use new ._on() binding method to attach handlers such that they are removed upon _destroy()

Use ui-overlay-* for overlay theme
– Popups overlay now use the ui-overlay class

Use widget factory to trigger events


Correct slider to use _on, and guard the unbinding test

Merge branch ‘memory-leaks’
– Slider widget functional and memory improvements

Move _preventDocumentDrag function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Move _sliderMouseUp function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Partly fixes an issue on Safari/Mac where the input width is decreased when the browser implements the spinner


Move _keyup function into the widget prototype and attach it with ._on() to ensure removal upon destroy()

Unbind document handlers to prevent memory leaks on textinput


A negative indent of -99999em can cause native Android 4.x to freak out, since its so absurdly high. Switched to -9999px.

Prevent `0` from being appended to the document when using a persistent footer with jQuery 1.8.x (Issue: #4887)

Widget Factory

Upgrade widget factory to 1.9 beta version (Issue: #4629)


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-beta.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-beta.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-beta.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-beta.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File:
If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

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Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Alpha

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the alpha release of 1.2.0. This release brings a new popup widget, an autodivider option for listviews, and a host of enhancements and fixes throughout the library to make things smoother, faster, and more polished. Try it now!

Demos & docs | Key changes | Change log | Download & CDN | Supported Platforms


New Widget: Popups

The biggest feature of 1.2 is the new popup widget. The idea with popups is to create a flexible element that makes it easy to place any content or widget in an overlay that floats above the current page. This makes it easy to build a simple tooltip, menu, popup form, map overlay, or lightbox with this same widget.

Popups follow the markup pattern of dialogs and consist of a container with a data-role of popup and a link with a data-rel of popup that points to the ID of that container. When the link is clicked, the popup is shown. Clicking outside the popup, hitting the back button, or pressing the Escape key all close the popup.

Here is the basic markup you need: a link and popup container.

<a href="#popupBasic" data-rel="popup">Open Popup</a>

<div data-role="popup" id="popupBasic">
	<p>This is a completely basic popup.<p>

We’ve worked hard to make the popups as flexible as possible to let you get creative. By default, popups are styled as a simple box with the same theme as the current page, rounded corners, and a drop shadow. Popups don’t have padding which makes it really easy to drop in a widget like a listview to create a menu.

Out of the box, there are options to control whether how it’s positioned (centered over the thing you tapped, the window, or any selector), add a semi-transparent overlay layer behind the popup, use an animated transition when the popup opens, adjust theming, and more. We’ve also added a few advanced demos showing how to build a lightbox by working with image scaling, use embedded iframes in popups for maps and videos, and even make a very custom looking side panel by tweaking styles and working with the API.

Check out the popup docs for more on the options, methods, and events APIs.

Collapsible Lists

Collapsible lists

We’ve had lots of requests to make collapsible listviews that would reveal a nested listview when a row is tapped. Rather than create a new extension for listviews, we realized we could adapt of existing collapsible widget to do the trick (thanks to sjdecaires for the suggestion).

Now collapsibles have a data-inset option which still defaults to true to keep the current collapsible appearance. When this is set to false, the collapsible goes to the edges of the screen, just like a non-inset listview does. By then placing a listview inside these full width collapsible, we achieve the effect of a collapsible list.

To make what looks like a collapsible list that allows multiple sections to be open at once, stack up a series of individual collapsibles with a listviews inside. To force only one section to be expanded at once, use the collapsible set (accordion) to get this behavior.

We’re really excited to bring this new capability to the library by just adding a single option to the existing plugin set and hope to find similar opportunities to add powerful features with minimal code.

Listview Autodividers

Listview autodividers

Speaking of listivews, we have a cool new feature in 1.2: autodividers. Simply add the data-autodividers attribute to any listview and the framework will automatically add alphabetical list dividers based on the contents of your list.

<ul data-role="listview" data-autodividers="true">

This is especially helpful when generating lists dynamically. Best of all, this feature is designed to work seamlessly with our listview filter extension so dividers will be added and removed to stay in sync with the current set of filtered items.

Read-only Lists: Flat Visual Style

Read-only Listview

We’ve tweaked the design of read-only listviews in 1.2 to make them look less clickable by removing the gradient from the list items and only using the flat background color. It’s a subtle change, but it does help to provide a clearer visual separation between clickable and read-only lists.

Prior to 1.2, read only lists were also given a bit less padding because we figured that these didn’t need to be as touch-friendly as normal, clickable listviews. However, we found that some folks were using listviews with a mixture of linked and non-linked list items and that shift in padding didn’t look right.

We now use the same padding for both read-only and linked list items.

Controlgroup Icon Buttons: Easier to Tap

Controlgroup Icon Buttons

When icon-only buttons were used in controlgroups, they were simply too small to be finger-friendly so in 1.2, we’ve improved the design to increase the padding around the icons to make them easier to tap.

If you still need to smaller style, you can add the data-mini="true" option to the controlgroup or individual buttons to reduce the size of the button groups to be closer to the way they were in 1.1, but they are still large enough to still be usable.

Buttons in Toolbars: Now Mini by Default

Prior to 1.2, link-based buttons were mini by default, but not buttons based on input and button elements. Now, we automatically make these mini sized for visual consistency. If you ever need to revert to larger buttons, that option is available via the data-mini attribute.

All Form Elements: Width Adjustments in Fieldcontainers

Form widths

We recommend that most folks use the fieldcontainer markup pattern when building forms to take advantage of the responsive label styling. This stacks the label above the input at narrow widths and floats it to the left of the input at wider widths to take full use of tablet and desktop devices.

In 1.2, we’ve made some refinements to the design for this pattern to make sure we’re using as much of the horizontal space as possible for the form element. Labels have always been 20% + 2% margin and now the form element widths have been increased from 60% to 78% so they go as full width as possible.

We’ve carefully tested every form element in a wide variety of situations to ensure that the spacing and sizing of each is as consistent as we can for a polished experience.

Touch and vmouse events: Now available for standalone use

We’ve decoupled all of our plugins and have a clear dependency map which allows us to offer the download builder tool (Alpha) to let you build the leanest package possible. However, we heard that some developers just wanted to grab the virtual mouse events that normalize between touch and mouse inputs (vmouse) or the touch events like swipe or touchstart but don’t want to use the rest of the jQuery Mobile library.

In this latest release, we’ve refactored a bit to eliminate the dependency on mobile core for utilities like these. Now if you want to take advantage of just our vmouse events, simply check that box in the download builder and grab the file. Other utilities like orientationchange and throttledresize are also available without the core dependency in the builder.

This additional decoupling is only available if you choose 1.2.0 alpha or latest in the version dropdown of the download builder tool.

Support for jQuery 1.7.2 (and soon 1.8)

jQuery Mobile 1.2 now supports versions 1.6.4, 1.7.1, and 1.7.2 of jQuery core. We recommend that you use 1.7.2 to take advantage of all the improvements in the latest release. We’re working on fully testing 1.8 and hope to support that soon.

Supported Platforms: Always Expanding

Form widths

Our test lab has grown to over 70 phone, e-readers and tablets over the past few years. Luckily, our dedication to web standards and feature detection has meant that most new devices “just work” when they arrive. As of 1.2, we’ve added a few notable A grade platforms into testing rotation: Android 4.1 (Jellybean), Tizen, Firefox for Android.

Please help us test!

We’re looking for help with testing this release so we can release a final build as soon as possible. Browse the docs or try out the 1.2.0 Alpha release in your projects, then report issues in the GitHub tracker. Be sure to specify the device, OS version, browser, steps to reproduce and include a simplified test case that uses the latest build (template here). If all goes well, we hope to release the final build in about 2 weeks.

Change Log


Added padding for icon-only buttons in controlgroup (Issue: #1998)

Adjusted CSS selector for fullsize button in toolbar (Issue: #4619)
– The search input clear button now gets the correct padding when placed in a header or footer.

Link buttons still enhanced in data-enhance=”false” container 
– Link buttons in data-enhance="false" containers now don’t get auto-enhanced.

Make button elements default to mini in header and footer (Issue: #3998)
– All buttons, regardless of markup, are now mini by default in toolbars. This was an implicit behavior in 1.0, but now we automatically make buttons the mini size unless explicitly set to full size when in toolbars to make this work as expected.

Make sure that a disabled select button gets a disabled look on IE/WP 

Only set margin left/right for buttons that are immediate children 
– Avoid margin override of buttons that are part of other widgets.

Rewrote code that adds class ui-submit (Issue: #4642)
– Submit button in header renders correctly now.


Outline style “auto” for browsers that don’t support box-shadow so it is the same as outline on regular links 


Filter for first label. Fixes label conflict issue (Issue: #3879)
– Fixes the double label issue which was raised if checkboxes or radios had associated more than one label.


Added inset option for Collapsible / Collapsible sets. Adjusted CSS for inset collapsible (removed -8px margin) and added CSS for non-inset collapsibles. (Issue: #3976)
– Collapsibles and Collapsible-Sets now have a new inset option to remove all margins and give them a non-inset listview look.

Added rule that prevents double borders in a serie of individual collapsibles 
– To avoid double borders (top and bottom) in a serie of standalone collapsibles a CSS rule was added that can be easily overwritten if collapsibles with different swatches are used.

Custom collapsible icons 
– Adds the ability to change the icon used for collapsible headers through data-* attributes and prototype options. Content of pages with fixed persistent toolbars higher than standard, now gets the right alignment. Thanks jakeboone02!

Made non-inset listviews exactly fit inside ui-collapsible-content. 

Make sure the collapsibles inherit a theme if nothing is set 
– Collapsibles now show the right hover/button-up/button-down styling.


Changed the refresh function so it first removes data object “collapsible-last” for each item before setting it on the last one. (Issue: #4645)
– Programmatically added collapsibles to a set now get the right corner-bottom styling.

Fix for the corner styling of legends as heading in a collapsible set 
– Legends now can also be used for Collapsible headers

Make sure only one collapsible in a set is expanded at the same time. 
– Improved collapsible set functionality.


The rules for dialog sections should only apply to immediate children (Issue: #4699)
– Additional fix for dialog CSS for extended support the new jQuery Mobile download builder tool.


Increased the scrollSupressionThreshold from 10 to 30 pixels (Issue: #2107)
– Change to make the swipe tolerances more forgiving so it doesn’t interfere with scrolling.


Full width forms (Issue: #3301)
– The width of fieldcontainers has been changed from 60% to 78% so the form will be full width now.


Add a class to set border-bottom on the last LI. Fixes missing border on filtered lists and on browsers that don’t support :last-child (Issue: #4614)

Added support for start attribute on numbered listviews (Issue: #4613)

Fix for inset lists with autodividers didn’t get corner styling 
– Autodividers in inset lists now get the correct corner styling.

Fix for read-only list numbering on browsers that don’t support CSS pseudo classes 

Improved border styling of listview inside collapsible content 
– Improved CSS for listviews and listview filter items inside collapsible content.

Merge branch ‘townxelliot-autodividers’ 
– New Listview option Autodividers. Thanks townxelliot!

New styling for read-only lists (Issue: #4347)
– Adding theming support and new styling for read only lists.


Set margin to 0 to avoid the top/bottom margin of .ui-mini being applied 


Handle the case where the initial URL contains a non-path hash that points to a non-existing page 

When showing a dialog, do not append dialogHashKey if the URL already contains it (Issue: #2656)


Header buttons: Added “button” to the selector (Issue: #4638)
– Manual added header buttons now placed in the same line as the title.


Add ui-btn-down- to initially focused menu item to make tab selection consistent 

Fix for an issue on Opera Mini where the enhanced select button was visible through the semi-transparent native select 

Set margin 0 for the selectmenu header (Issue: #4699)
– Custom selects now get the proper top-margin when used in a dialog.


Avoid regression by setting all margins of the slider handle (Issue: #4720)
– Fixes a layout problem of sliders and flip swichtes in controlgroups.

Bind to sliders vmouseup for refresh (Issue: #4756)
– Browsers like Chrome provide an up and down arrow for range/number inputs but they don’t fire the change event until the control is blurred. We now bind to the mouseup event and check if the value has been altered. If it has, we refresh now the slider position to reflect the value change.

Stop the call structure for slider updates earlier on disabled inputs (Issues: #3058 #4770)
– Improved behavior for disabled sliders.

Support slidestart and slidestop events (Issue: #1589)
– Sliders now support slidestart and slidestop events


added conditional call to disable() to the create function to make sure disabled elements get class ui-disabled (Issues: #4636 #4637)
– The ui-disabled class will now be added correctly to disabled textinputs.


Fix for fixed persistent toolbar padding issues (Issues: #4176 #4219)
– Content of pages with fixed persistent toolbars higher than standard, now gets the right alignment. Thanks MauriceG!


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-alpha.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-alpha.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.2.0-alpha.1/jquery.mobile-1.2.0-alpha.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File:
If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Microsoft CDN hosted jQuery Mobile files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub

Platform support in 1.2.0 Alpha

jQuery Mobile has broad support for the vast majority of all modern desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms. In addition, feature phones and older browsers are supported because of our progressive enhancement approach. We’re very proud of our commitment to universal accessibility through our broad support for all popular platforms.

A-grade – Full enhanced experience with Ajax-based animated page transitions.

  • Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 – Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)
  • Android 2.1-2.3 – Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)
  • Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  – Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM
  • Android 4.0 (ICS)  – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices
  • Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7
  • Windows Phone 7-7.5 – Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800
  • Blackberry 6.0 – Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670
  • Blackberry 7 – Tested on BlackBerry® Torch 9810
  • Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) – Tested on PlayBook
  • Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) – Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)
  • Palm WebOS 3.0 – Tested on HP TouchPad
  • Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Chrome for Android – Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device
  • Skyfire 4.1 – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3
  • Meego 1.2 – Tested on Nokia 950 and N9
  • Tizen (pre-release) – Tested on early hardware
  • Samsung Bada 2.0 – Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser
  • UC Browser – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Kindle 3 and Fire – Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each
  • Nook Color 1.4.1 – Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet
  • Chrome Desktop 11-21 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Safari Desktop 4-5 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Firefox Desktop 4-13 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 7-9 – Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7
  • Opera Desktop 10-12 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7

B-grade – Enhanced experience except without Ajax navigation features.

  • Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770
  • Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) – Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3
  • Nokia Symbian^3 – Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)

C-grade – Basic, non-enhanced HTML experience that is still functional

  • Blackberry 4.x – Tested on the Curve 8330
  • Windows Mobile – Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
  • All older smartphone platforms and featurephones – Any device that doesn’t support media queries will receive the basic, C grade experience

Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.1.1

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the release of version 1.1.1.

This is our first maintenance release for version 1.1 and it’s chock full of bug fixes and improvements based on community feedback and testing.

The most notable changes in this release are speedier page transitions and tap responsiveness on longer pages, smoother transitions in Cordova, and more polished form elements.

Alongside this release, the ThemeRoller Mobile tool has been updated to make it easy to upgrade existing themes to 1.1.1. A new downloader builder tool is now released as a public alpha and allows you to build custom versions of jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 that only include the modules you need.


jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 Final
Requires jQuery core 1.6.4 or 1.7.1

Demos & Documentation
Quick Start Guide
Download 1.1.1 Zip
Fork on GitHub


Key changes | Upgrade notes | Download & CDN | Thanks | Supported Platforms

Key Changes

Slow tap response when clicking items in large listview on mobile devices (Issue #4340) – Slow response times and crashing when clicking on a list item (or any navigation element) far down a long page was due to the browser trying to animate a really massively tall page from the scroll position to the top of the screen. The scroll position, not total screen height, is the determining factor for performance so we added another condition to say that if you’re either coming FROM or going TO a page where the scroll position is 3x the height of the device’s screen, skip the transition (set it to none). This scroll position breakpoint is configurable via the new getMaxScrollForTransition function.

White flash/flicker when transitiong between 2 web pages in Phonegap/Cordova (Issue #4024) – We now add a class while the TO page is being set up for show (block display, focus, scrolling, setting height) called ui-page-pre-in. This class sets the opacity of the TO page to 0 during this momentary process, which at least in my testing, prevents fixed toolbars and pages from flickering during transitions when fixed toolbars are used in a web app mode in iOS (not Safari, but native webview). Fade transition is particularly improved.

Fix for slide flickering within a ios app webview (i.e. Phonegap container) (Also related to issue #4024). Thanks alexksso!

Standardize widths for all buttons and form elements (Issues: #3284, #3983, #3301, #3922, #1998, #2804, #3684, #4252, #4098, #3979, #4263, #4489) – Jasper (uGoMobi) did an incredibly detailed sweep through all the elements to ensure that each widget is as close to the the same width as possible given the constraints of CSS. In addition to width normalization, we tweaked things like count bubble position, button margin consistency, padding for icon-only buttons in controlgroup, etc.

Improvements to link styling to avoid conflicts with generic link styles (Issue #3455) – If a:visited, a:hover are defined, they will break jquery mobile buttons because of the specificity of the styles. Up to now, we only set link styles within a theme swatch but since setting link styles globally is fairly common, this defensive addition will help avoid conflicts with user styles or popular tools like the HTML5 Boilerplate

Select: Custom menu with a placeholder highlights first element although it’s not selected (Issue #4061) – Fixed by filtering placeholders out of the list of selected items Button: Adjusted ui-focus to improve the focus style for grouped buttons

Button: Fixed the icon position of notext buttons in IE7

Button: Not disabled in Internet Explorer (Issue #3558) – Conditionally add a live handler to kill clicks on .ui-disabled elements when CSS pointer-events property is not supported.

Added Modernizr’s feature test for CSS pointer-events property Select: Custom select menu accessibility with keyboard (Issue #4039)

Button: Invalid opacity value (Issue #4413) – Corrected invalid value for filter alpha opacity. Thanks Alexn!

Slider: Fill feature disappears on pagehide (Issue #3887)

Fixed headers: UpdatePagePadding() and default ui-page-header causes slight jump (Issue #4412) – Adjusted default top/bottom padding for page with fixed toolbars.

Added box-sizing border-box to grid blocks so they don’t break when padding or border is set (note: not supported by IE7)

Grid: Adjustments to grid-b and -c to fix BB Storm and Curve issues. Adjustments to percentages for older browsers (wrapping still occured on IE7 on certain screen widths).

Navbar: Mini styling for navbar with adjusted padding top and bottom. Set right border on last button when not in toolbar. Navbar: Button sub-pixel problem (Issue #3341) – Filled gap caused by subpixel problem with negative margin.

Navbar: Items wrapping in IE7 BB5 (Issue #2270 and #2159) Adjusted grid blocks percentage width to prevent wrapping on older browsers and set it back for modern browsers, including minor adjustment to fix BB5 issue.

Added “button” element to tapToggleBlacklist Prevent scrollbars on pages with custom borders – take custom borders in account on the page when setting the min-height. Thanks ngharo!

Header: Visual issues in IE7 (Issue #4193) – Added zoom 1 to trigger HasLayout on toolbars for IE

Slide Transition with Fixed Header in App visual artifacts (Issue #4418) – We now include padding for the fixed toolbars in the 100% height of ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning element

Form: form hijacking not respecting allowCrossDomainPages (Issue #2234) – check external urls against the cross domain pages setting

Navigation: dialogHashKey is now stripped from url even if it is not an embedded page in convertUrlToDataUrl

Navigation: Support the case where the initial url contains a dialog hash key Performance improvement for getInheritedTheme – Thanks hpbuniat!

Button: Text is now prevented from being selected – for a cleaner interaction, this can be tweaked via CSS if needed

Navigation: When the initial page has a dialogHashKey, navigation breaks after link-click followed by “Back” (Issue #4423) – Handle corner case where first visited page has a dialog hash key

Slider: label ID gets overwritten (Issue #3981) – Now we create an ID for the label only if not present

Init: Proceed to hashchange handler when the initial hash contains a path – This covers cases where the hash is a path

Navigation: Bad URLs with hashes are not gracefully handled (Issue #4119) – Added regex test to see if hash is valid and if a page with that ID exists, if not load the first page.

Listview: data-mini=”true” attribute should be ignored (Issue #4114) – Mini listviews are both difficult to tap accurately and have too many complex styles to support at two sizes

Slider: Custom Active Button Class does work (Issue #4345) Listview: selects + buttons inherit wrong font-size in list with form (Issue #4254) – Thanks ebaranov!

Listview: When leaving from a page contains nested listview, pageremove event does not fire (Issue #4185)

Input buttons of type=image not rendering properly (Issue #3423) – Fixed by setting -webkit-appearance: none; on this type. This input type is no longer auto-enhanced unless a data-role=”button” is added in the markup.

Checkbox – Corner styling of inserted checkbox incorrect when in controlgroup (Issue #3496)

Can not disable ‘push state’ plugin when jQM loaded via require.js (Issue #4136) – We now call init when both mobileinit and domready have happened instead of just domready.

Dialog: navigation incorrect if certain flags are set (Issue #4320) – if hash manipulation is off, the dialog hash key is not added when the dialog appears, and the dialog’s close button does a window.history.back() by default. This causes the browser to go back to the page before the one that launched the dialog. Now when hashListeningEnabled is not set, use urlHistory to go back from the dialog

Listview: links embedded in list dividers shouldn’t be auto enhanced into buttons Related tweak here

Collapsible – add active state on tap for better visual feedback (Issue #4229)

Listviews: Button+data-iconpos=”notext” formatting issue (Issue #4227) – Style tweaks for better layout

Dialog: Double click on dialog close btn cause double back (Issue #3387) – Prevent the click-handler for “Close” acting twice

Keep urlHistory in sync with browser history even when moving to/from a #&ui-state=dialog link via Back/Forward buttons– Nav improvement

Forward history + dialog navigation issues (Issue #2656) – Do not change hash nor add history entry when displaying a dialog at a history entry that already has dialogHashKey

CollapsibleSet widget removes ui-corner-x classes from the whole DOM (Issue #4062) – removed add() function which queries the whole DOM. Thanks @MauriceG

Upgraded widget factory from jQuery UI 1.9m7 (issue #3544) – Brings a host of improvements, including widget subclassing fixes.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.1/jquery.mobile-1.1.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.1/jquery.mobile-1.1.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File: If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile

A Word of Thanks

We’d like to thank the community contributors and supporters for their incredible dedication to the project by contributing issue reports, bug fixes and support.

Our corporate sponsors have been essential to our success and donating developer time on an ongoing basis is a really useful way to help the project. We’d like to thank Adobe for donating multiple developers (John Bender, Tyler Benziger, Kin Blas), Filament Group (Todd Parker, Scott Jehl, Mat Marquis), Jive Software (Ghislain Seguin), Microsoft (Sergey Grebnov), and RIM (Jason Scott), uGoMobi (Jasper DeGroot), Intel (Gabriel Schulhof) as well as individual contributions from Anne-Gaelle Colom and Maurice Gottlieb who generously donate long-term development support to the project.

We’d like to thank all our corporate sponsors for contributing generously to the project to support this release. We’d also like to thank the various companies and individuals who have donated test devices to the project. Please donate devices to our test lab to help us better support all platforms.

If you are interested in giving back to the project, please contact Todd Parker.

Platform support in 1.1.1

jQuery Mobile has broad support for the vast majority of all modern desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms. In addition, feature phones and older browsers are supported because of our progressive enhancement approach. We’re very proud of our commitment to universal accessibility through our broad support for all popular platforms.

We use a 3-level graded platform support system: A (full), B (full minus Ajax), C (basic HTML). The visual fidelity of the experience and smoothness of page transitions are highly dependent on the CSS rendering capabilities of the device and platform so not all A grade experience will be pixel-perfect but that’s the nature of the web.

A-grade – Full enhanced experience with Ajax-based animated page transitions.

  • Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 – Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.0)
  • Android 2.1-2.3 – Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)
  • Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) – Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM
  • Android 4.0 (ICS) – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices
  • Windows Phone 7-7.5 – Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800
  • Blackberry 6.0 – Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670
  • Blackberry 7 – Tested on BlackBerry® Torch 9810
  • Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) – Tested on PlayBook
  • Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) – Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)
  • Palm WebOS 3.0 – Tested on HP TouchPad
  • Firefox Mobile (10 Beta) – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Chrome for Android (Beta) – Tested on Android 4.0 device
  • Skyfire 4.1 – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3
  • Meego 1.2 – Tested on Nokia 950 and N9
  • Samsung bada 2.0 – Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser
  • UC Browser – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Kindle 3 and Fire – Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each
  • Nook Color 1.4.1 – Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet
  • Chrome Desktop 11-19 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Safari Desktop 4-5 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Firefox Desktop 4-13 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 7-9 – Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7
  • Opera Desktop 10-12 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7

B-grade – Enhanced experience except without Ajax navigation features.

  • Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770
  • Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) – Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3
  • Nokia Symbian^3 – Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)

C-grade – Basic, non-enhanced HTML experience that is still functional

  • Blackberry 4.x – Tested on the Curve 8330
  • Windows Mobile – Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
  • All older smartphone platforms and featurephones – Any device that doesn’t support media queries will receive the basic, C grade experience

jQuery Mobile Download Builder – Alpha Release

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Reducing file size and overhead is really important on mobile devices so we’ve always wanted to offer a download builder tool to let developers create a bundle of only the jQuery Mobile code they need for a particular project.

That’s why we’re happy to announce an alpha version of our download builder tool. It allows you to choose the specific widgets, features, and transitions you want to include in your project. The tool then produces a  zip file containing customized CSS and JavaScript files for the components you select.

Try the download builder

This is an alpha release so please help us improve the tool by reporting issues in the GitHub tracker.




Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 RC1

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The jQuery Mobile team is excited to announce the first maintenance release candidate for version 1.1.1. Since we launched 1.1.0 in April, we’ve been hard at work fixing bugs, listening to feedback and polishing the documentation. We encourage the community to help us test and shake out any final bugs before we release the final version in the upcoming weeks. Try it now!

Demos & docs | Key changes | Download & CDN | Supported Platforms

Please help us test!

We’re looking for help with testing this release so we can release a final build as soon as possible. Browse the docs or try out the 1.1.1 RC1 release in your projects, then report issues in the GitHub tracker. Be sure to specify the device, OS version, browser, steps to reproduce and include a simplified test case that uses the latest build (template here) – more info.

Key Changes

Slow tap response when clicking items in large listview on mobile devices (Issue #4340) – Slow response times and crashing when clicking on a list item (or any navigation element) far down a long page was due to the browser trying to animate a really massively tall page from the scroll position to the top of the screen. The scroll position, not total screen height, is the determining factor for performance so we added another condition to say that if you’re either coming FROM or going TO a page where the scroll position is 3x the height of the device’s screen, skip the transition (set it to none). This scroll position breakpoint is configurable via the new getMaxScrollForTransition function.

White flash/flicker when transitiong between 2 web pages in Phonegap (Issue #4024) – We now add a class while the TO page is being set up for show (block display, focus, scrolling, setting height) called ui-page-pre-in. This class sets the opacity of the TO page to 0 during this momentary process, which at least in my testing, prevents fixed toolbars and pages from flickering during transitions when fixed toolbars are used in a web app mode in iOS (not Safari, but native webview). Fade transition is particularly improved.

Fix for slide flickering within a ios app webview (i.e. phonegap container) (Also related to issue #4024). Thanks alexksso!

Standardize widths or all buttons and form elements (Issues: #3284, #3983, #3301, #3922, #1998, #2804, #3684, #4252, #4098, #3979, #4263, #4489) – Jasper (uGoMobi) did an incredibly detailed sweep through all the elements to ensure that each widget is as close to the the same width as possible given the constraints of CSS. In addition to width normalization, we tweaked things like count bubble position, button margin consistency, padding for icon-only buttons in controlgroup, etc.

All buttons, regardless of markup, are now mini by default in toolbars – This was an implicit behavior in 1.0, but now we automatically make buttons the mini size unless explicitly set to full size when in toolbars to make this work as expected.

Improvements to link styling to avoid conflicts with generic link styles (Issue #3455) – If a:visited, a:hover are defined, they will break jquery mobile buttons because of the specificity of the styles. Up to now, we only set link styles within a theme swatch but since setting link styles globally is fairly common, this defensive addition will help avoid conflicts with user styles or popular tools like the HTML5 Boilerplate

Select: Custom menu with a placeholder highlights first element although it’s not selected (Issue #4061) – Fixed by filtering placeholders out of the list of selected items Button: Adjusted ui-focus to improve the focus style for grouped buttons

Button: Fixed the icon position of notext buttons in IE7

Button: Not disabled in Internet Explorer (Issue #3558) – Conditionally add a live handler to kill clicks on .ui-disabled elements when CSS pointer-events property is not supported.

Added Modernizr’s feature test for CSS pointer-events property Select: Custom select menu accessibility with keyboard (Issue #4039)

Button: Invalid opacity value (Issue #4413) – Corrected invalid value for filter alpha opacity. Thanks Alexn!

Slider: Fill feature disappears on pagehide (Issue #3887)

Fixed headers: UpdatePagePadding() and default ui-page-header causes slight jump (Issue #4412) – Adjusted default top/bottom padding for page with fixed toolbars.

Added box-sizing border-box to grid blocks so they don’t break when padding or border is set (note: not supported by IE7)

Grid: Adjustments to grid-b and -c to fix BB Storm and Curve issues. Adjustments to percentages for older browsers (wrapping still occured on IE7 on certain screen widths).

Navbar: Mini styling for navbar with adjusted padding top and bottom. Set right border on last button when not in toolbar. Navbar: Button sub-pixel problem (Issue #3341) – Filled gap caused by subpixel problem with negative margin.

Navbar: Items wrapping in IE7 BB5 (Issue #2270 and #2159) Adjusted grid blocks percentage width to prevent wrapping on older browsers and set it back for modern browsers, including minor adjustment to fix BB5 issue.

Added “button” element to tapToggleBlacklist Prevent scrollbars on pages with custom borders – take custom borders in account on the page when setting the min-height. Thanks ngharo!

Header: Visual issues in IE7 (Issue #4193) – Added zoom 1 to trigger HasLayout on toolbars for IE

Slide Transition with Fixed Header in App visual artifacts (Issue #4418) – We now include padding for the fixed toolbars in the 100% height of ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning element

Form: form hijacking not respecting allowCrossDomainPages (Issue #2234) – check external urls against the cross domain pages setting

Navigation: dialogHashKey is now stripped from url even if it is not an embedded page in convertUrlToDataUrl

Navigation: Support the case where the initial url contains a dialog hash key Performance improvement for getInheritedTheme – Thanks hpbuniat!

Button: Text is now prevented from being selected – for a cleaner interaction, this can be tweaked via CSS if needed

Navigation: When the initial page has a dialogHashKey, navigation breaks after link-click followed by “Back” (Issue #4423) – Handle corner case where first visited page has a dialog hash key

Slider: label ID gets overwritten (Issue #3981) – Now we create an ID for the label only if not present

Init: Proceed to hashchange handler when the initial hash contains a path – This covers cases where the hash is a path

Navigation: Bad URLs with hashes are not gracefully handled (Issue #4119) – Added regex test to see if hash is valid and if a page with that ID exists, if not load the first page.

Listview: data-mini=”true” attribute should be ignored (Issue #4114) – Mini listviews are both difficult to tap accurately and have too many complex styles to support at two sizes

Slider: Custom Active Button Class does work (Issue #4345) Listview: selects + buttons inherit wrong font-size in list with form (Issue #4254) – Thanks ebaranov!

Listview: When leaving from a page contains nested listview, pageremove event does not fire (Issue #4185)

Input buttons of type=image not rendering properly (Issue #3423) – Fixed by setting -webkit-appearance: none; on this type. This input type is no longer auto-enhanced unless a data-role=”button” is added in the markup.

Checkbox – Corner styling of inserted checkbox incorrect when in controlgroup (Issue #3496)

Can not disable ‘push state’ plugin when jQM loaded via require.js (Issue #4136) – We now call init when both mobileinit and domready have happened instead of just domready.

Dialog: navigation incorrect if certain flags are set (Issue #4320) – if hash manipulation is off, the dialog hash key is not added when the dialog appears, and the dialog’s close button does a window.history.back() by default. This causes the browser to go back to the page before the one that launched the dialog. Now when hashListeningEnabled is not set, use urlHistory to go back from the dialog

Listview: links embedded in list dividers shouldn’t be auto enhanced into buttons Related tweak here

Collapsible – add active state on tap for better visual feedback (Issue #4229)

Listviews: Button+data-iconpos=”notext” formatting issue (Issue #4227) – Style tweaks for better layout

Dialog: Double click on dialog close btn cause double back (Issue #3387) – Prevent the click-handler for “Close” acting twice

Keep urlHistory in sync with browser history even when moving to/from a #&ui-state=dialog link via Back/Forward buttons– Nav improvement

Forward history + dialog navigation issues (Issue #2656) – Do not change hash nor add history entry when displaying a dialog at a history entry that already has dialogHashKey

CollapsibleSet widget removes ui-corner-x classes from the whole DOM (Issue #4062) – removed add() function which queries the whole DOM. Thanks @MauriceG

Upgraded widget factory from jQuery UI 1.9m7 (issue #3544) – Brings a host of improvements, including widget subclassing fixes.


CDN-Hosted JavaScript:

CDN-Hosted CSS:

Copy-and-Paste Snippet for CDN-hosted files (recommended):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.1-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.1.1-rc.1.min.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.1-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.1.1-rc.1.min.js"></script>

ZIP File: If you want to host the files yourself you can download a zip of all the files:

Fork jQuery Mobile on GitHub https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile

Platform support in 1.1.1 RC1

jQuery Mobile has broad support for the vast majority of all modern desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms. In addition, feature phones and older browsers are supported because of our progressive enhancement approach. We’re very proud of our commitment to universal accessibility through our broad support for all popular platforms.

We use a 3-level graded platform support system: A (full), B (full minus Ajax), C (basic HTML). The visual fidelity of the experience and smoothness of page transitions are highly dependent on the CSS rendering capabilities of the device and platform so not all A grade experience will be pixel-perfect but that’s the nature of the web.

A-grade – Full enhanced experience with Ajax-based animated page transitions.

  • Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 – Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.0)
  • Android 2.1-2.3 – Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)
  • Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) – Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM
  • Android 4.0 (ICS) – Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices
  • Windows Phone 7-7.5 – Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800
  • Blackberry 6.0 – Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670
  • Blackberry 7 – Tested on BlackBerry® Torch 9810
  • Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) – Tested on PlayBook
  • Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) – Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)
  • Palm WebOS 3.0 – Tested on HP TouchPad
  • Firefox Mobile (10 Beta) – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Chrome for Android (Beta) – Tested on Android 4.0 device
  • Skyfire 4.1 – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3
  • Meego 1.2 – Tested on Nokia 950 and N9
  • Samsung bada 2.0 – Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser
  • UC Browser – Tested on Android 2.3 device
  • Kindle 3 and Fire – Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each
  • Nook Color 1.4.1 – Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet
  • Chrome Desktop 11-19 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Safari Desktop 4-5 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Firefox Desktop 4-13 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 7-9 – Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7
  • Opera Desktop 10-12 – Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7

B-grade – Enhanced experience except without Ajax navigation features.

  • Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770
  • Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) – Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3
  • Nokia Symbian^3 – Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)

C-grade – Basic, non-enhanced HTML experience that is still functional

  • Blackberry 4.x – Tested on the Curve 8330
  • Windows Mobile – Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
  • All older smartphone platforms and featurephones – Any device that doesn’t support media queries will receive the basic, C grade experience