Original Graded Browser Matrix

Graded device support matrix

Note: this matrix has been superseded by the newer graded browser support levels.

This is the matrix of devices we as project identified at the start of the development process as target platforms. The final supported devices for 1.0 and beyond will be determined by the shifting mobile browser space and technical feasibility.

Mobile Graded Browser Support
Platform Version Native Opera Mobile Opera Mini Fennec Ozone Netfront Phonegap
8.5 8.65 9.5 10.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 4.0 0.9
iOS v2.2.1 B A
v3.1.3, v3.2 A A A
v4.0 A A A
Symbian S60 v3.1, v3.2 C C C B C B C C
v5.0 A C C A C A A
Symbian UIQ v3.0, v3.1 C C
v3.2 C C
Symbian Platform 3.0 A
BlackBerry OS v4.5 C C C
v4.6, v4.7 C C B C
v5.0 B C A A
v6.0 A A A
Android v1.5, v1.6 A A
v2.1 A A
v2.2 A A C A A
Windows Mobile v6.1 C C C C B C B C
v6.5.1 C C C A A C A
v7.0 A A C A
webOS 1.4.1 A A
bada 1.0 A
Maemo 5.0 B B C B
MeeGo 1.1 A A A

What do the grades mean? The grades are a combination of the browser quality combined with the browser’s relevance in the larger mobile market. Generally speaking we break down the grades in this manner:


  • A High Quality. A browser that’s capable of, at minimum, utilizing media queries (a requirement for jQuery Mobile). These browsers will be actively tested against but may not receive the full capabilities of jQuery Mobile.
  • B Medium Quality. A capable browser that doesn’t have enough market share to warrant day-to-day testing. Bug fixes will still be applied to help these browsers.
  • C Low Quality. A browser that is not capable of utilizing media queries. They won’t be provided any jQuery Mobile scripting or CSS (falling back to plain HTML and simple CSS).
  • Upcoming browser. This browser is not yet released but is in alpha/beta testing.